The Mediawiki Move
Hello user! Cheese-E-Pedia has moved from Miraheze to being a statically generated Hugo site. This provides many benefits for customization, article formatting, and easy archival of the site for offline use. Let's go over changes and expectations for what this entails.
- Locations Map - A full map for all location articles when you visit the locations page. Each marker can be clicked to go to that store. There are sliders that let you change the map's date to any day in the past 40 years, which will show you which locations were open at that time.
- Better Design - The site now has fully custom infrastructure and CSS designed to fit the wiki's needs. All the Mediawiki bloat has been removed for the essentials. Images that were previously haphazardly placed have now been properly formatted to fit into automatic thumbnail and gallery sections.
- More Info When Browsing - All page links now feature a full thumbnail preview and dates. Lists can now be browsed per company/manufactuer with the top dropdown menu, or have all pages displayed at once.
- Easy Photo Viewing - The new photos tag allows sorting through photos from each company, reading their descriptions, and clicking them to see every page they're displayed on.
- Easily Forkable and moddable! - The site is now hosted on a GitHub Page, which lets you easily fork the site's contents and host it on DigitalOcean for $0! If the site is ever abandoned or I die, it can be reinstated and have work continued like nothing ever happened. This also allows offline copies to be available for archival or browsing without internet! Take Cheese-E-Pedia on your camping trip encase you encounter a scary robot bear and need survival tips!
- Smaller Site Size - The original site took up almost 8gb in space. The new one is now down to 800mb.
- Be aware, the site is in early access and there may be some weird stuff and adjustments to be made. These are going to be ironed out as soon as possible, or changes you can help contribute. It was needed for the site to switch early so the daily updates could switch over and be worked on- or we would have never had a chance to move!
- In relation to article dates and map placement, stuff will be weird for a while! A lot of articles are going to say "1984-Present" and the like when something may have closed in 1990. There was a lot in the automatic conversion process of each article that missed a lot of key dates. It is up to the admins and contributors to make an effort to correct those in each article so the site can be more accurate!
How do I edit?
Same as usual! Go to an article and hit the Edit Page button. This will take you to GitHub to edit the exact file. You'll have to make a GitHub account first. After that you'll submit the changes and we'll either comment on any changes or pull it through to the site! Changes won't be instant like they used to so we can review them.
What can I do to help this transition?
- Fix Article Parameters! - Go view the tutorials on how to edit the new articles, and help fix all the parameters that need to be filled in like dates, locations, remodels, ect. This will immediately make browsing more useful and reliable.
- Help with CSS! - If you're someone with CSS experience and notice some wonky designs on the site, especially on mobile, feel free to edit the CSS file right here!
- Patience! - We're doing this all for free and for the love of the community, so give things time to be ironed out! The wiki was originally very shotty for a while until it had time to work on things.