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Sally Corporation > Locations

Sally Unlimited Corporate Office

Office Exterior (November 2018)
The Sally Unlimited Corporate Office (567 Bishop Gate Ln, Jacksonville, FL) was the offices for Sally Corporation for an unknown amount of years, with the only confirmed dates of residence being February 1979 to July 1980.(1)(2) It is unknown if the offices were used for manufacturing, or if this was leased to a separate building. One piece of footage from around the mid 90's shows a small manufacturing room that isn't the corporate office nor the later Sally Dark Rides Corporate Office.(3)


  1. https://archive.org/details/commex00unit/page/10/mode/2up?q=%22sally+unlimited%22
  2. https://archive.org/details/TheJerusalemPost1980IsraelEnglish/Jul%2028%201980%2C%20The%20Jerusalem%20Post%2C%20%2314983%2C%20Israel%20%28en%29/page/n13/mode/2up?q=aaaa
  3. https://youtu.be/KsKsMsXZqik

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